Wednesday, February 2, 2011

veggie curry

Two nights ago, Chris and I made vegetarian curry for dinner. I've been inspired lately by the red curry sauce at Trader Joe's.

We tossed onions, tofu, zucchini, bell pepper, and mushrooms (in that order) into a wok for a few minutes, then added the sauce and some plain Greek yogurt and simmered until it looked ready. Served over rice with a little hot sauce, it was fantastic! I can imagine many things would be good with this versatile and flavorful sauce - maybe I'll try chickpeas and eggplant next time for a different taste. Of course I can imagine it'd be good with many other veggies as well as chicken, beef, duck, or lamb (you know... if you're into that sort of thing).

My food intake these days is basically pescetarian, meaning mostly veggies, dairy, and grains with the occasional seafood. Chris and I decided to try it a few months ago and it's sort of stuck. It's so easy not to eat meat, especially these days with all of the readily available and easily substitutable alternatives. Not too long ago I tried a soy Italian sausage from Trader Joe's and it was nearly identical to the real thing. I think I was also able to accept a no-meat diet pretty easily because of the healthy way I grew up and the traditions that have stuck with me over the years. For example, I've always loved Morningstar Farms breakfast patties and Fantastic Foods tofu scrambler. My parents kept to a really healthy diet when we were younger: my sister and I always fondly remember frozen strawberry kefir popsicles or blueberries & vanilla yogurt being special dessert options. I'm lucky to have had that sort of childhood because giving up meat isn't really giving up a lot at all when you know about all of the other delicious options.

1 comment:

  1. i always used to buy those TJ's red curry sauce or sometimes the yellow curry sauce when i lived really close to one in westwood... now it's a bit of a trek. i also used to buy a lot more two-buck-chuck. but it was tasty just to cook whichever vegetables and throw the sauce on just to warm at the end, eat with some rice or naan or something. i often used eggplant at that time cause it's a good filler vegetable.
